2009 Pruduct Design

Sticker Phone Designer: 劉香伶 Liu Hsiang-ling

The eco phone is made by native polysiloxane, with
solar panels installed on the back side.
Simply stick it onto the window to absorb sunlight when
you drive the car or work in the office.

about angle


There are some things or some behavior in our life which are including childhood memories, cultural life of humor and some habits. Finding the problems or behavior and design the products by observation of our life.
Put the direct and appropriate design into the products which are the people most in need. So that everything in life can be "just right". I hope the product not only have well appearance, functional satisfaction, but also have as art as interaction between the people.

2009. Feb Angle Design Studio

about designer- Liu Hiangling

劉 香伶 Liu Hsiangling

Taipei, Tiawan


2009 -The IF concept award
2009 -技嘉奇想創意設計大賽 金獎
2009- 台灣科技大學 設計研究所
2008 -Angle Design Studio 設計師
2008 -華梵大學新一代設計展 設計總監
2008 -教育部設計與藝術海外留學菁英計畫
2007 -點石創意 設計助理
2005-2008 華梵大學 工業設計學系